Filmigos Real Name
David Rodemerk



Filmigos on YouTube

The-Godfather Goodfellas Face-Off Spaceballs


I’m Paulie Popcorn, the host of Filmigos over on YouTube. My little 4-legged sidekick is Carmella DiCorno. We pretty much try to distill movie reviews of new movie releases down to the most simplest of terms: theater, rent or avoid. Carmella and I want to make sure you don’t go spending a wad of cash on a clunker of a movie. Unless you enjoy clunkers.

Once a month, we pick the biggest box office draw, and bring in a movie blogger: David the Blogger. He gives his review. Then he drives me crazy, and Carmella “takes” care of him. If you want to know what I mean, then go ahead and watch us over at YouTube on our channel FILMIGOS!


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My Posts

Suicide Squad or Firing Squad: A Review

Suicide Squad! A few weeks ago, I got around to watching the newest DCEU movie starring Margot Robbie, Will Smith, ...
Star Trek Beyond Filmigos review

Star Trek Beyond Movie Review To Make You Laugh

Is your inner Trekkie calling out to you to boldly go and see Star Trek Beyond? Check out our review ...
Filmigos Independence Day Resurgence Day review

Frikkin’ Independence Day Resurgence Movie Review

Check out our review of Independence Day Resurgence! Does it hold up to Independence Day from 1996? Does Roland Emmerich ...

Captain America: Civil War (Dude vs Dude) Movie Review

Hello fellow Filmigos! Carmella and I are back! Sorry for the long delay. We had to build a new and ...
Star Wars: The Force Awakens movie review

Spoiler Free: Star-Wars The Force Awakens My Inner Child

Hello fellow, Filmigos! Paulie Popcorn and Carmella DiCorno are back with their Spoiler Free review of Star Wars The Force ...
Mockingjay Part 2 movie review

Mockingjay 2 Movie Review Bonanza!

Hello Fellow Filmigos! Another month is here and that means another movie! This month, we are reviewing The Hunger Games: ...
Paranormal Activity: Ghost Dimension movie review

No More Paranormal Activity Movies!

Check out our recent review of Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension! What happens to David the Blogger? ...
Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation movie review

Mission Impossible Rogue Nation Raises the Bar

Let's face it, we were all eager to watch the newest installment of the Mission Impossible franchise. Well, I was ...
5 Facts about Straight Outta Compton

5 Facts About N.W.A Before You See Straight Outta Compton!

Straight Outta Compton movie gets released this weekend! It's all about your favorite gangsta rappers that started it all: Easy-E, ...

Paulie and Carmella Review Guardians of the Galaxy

Here is our movie review of Guardians of the Galaxy! After a 2 month hiatus because Carmella DiCorno was feeling ...
X-Men: Days of Future Past movie review

Wolverine Attacks a Movie Blogger in the X-Men Days of Future Past Review

Paulie and Carmella call upon Wolverine during David's review of X-men Days of Future Past! See what happens this time ...
Godzilla movie review

Carmella Burns Godzilla!

Hey everyone! Paulie Popcorn and Carmella DiCorno are back with David the Movie Blogger as they review...GODZILLA (2014). What did ...
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 movie review

The Amazing Spiderman 2 Goes SPLAT!

Paulie Popcorn and Carmella DiCorno are back at providing you an UNMOVIE REVIEW of The Amazing Spiderman 2! Poor David ...
Captain America The Winter Soldier movie review

Paulie Popcorn Reviews Captain America The Winter Soldier

Find out what Paulie Popcorn and Carmella DiCorno think of David the Movie Blogger's review of Captain America The Winter ...
E-Cigarettes at the cinema

Non-Stop and Ecigarettes

Well folks, it has finally happened. Ecigarettes have entered the movie theaters. The wife and I sat down to see ...