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Quick Catch Up Reviews – LetsCrashThisParade [Video]

They’re not really that quick…

Wellppp… I took a month off making videos because I was busy preparing my wedding… Then I took a month off for my honeymoon because I was BUSAY in the USA (Oh good I shouldn’t be allowed to speak honestly) And then after coming back… Well it took a bit of time getting back into it and then actually making the damn thing… SO HERE… FINALLY… I am back with a whole bunch of mini reviews to catch you/me up to speed!!

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Jack Fitzpatrick
I'm a 20-something-year-old guy who just loves to dabble in creativity. Film is an art form, one of which that I love to give my opinion on. I'm a writer, And I'm also in to drawing and general geeky things. Check out my articles!

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