Shahzad Virani Real Name
Shahzad Virani




Mulholland-Drive American Beauty Psycho The-Godfather Taxi-Driver 2001-a-space-odyssey Synecdoche New York


My name is Shahzad Virani and I’m from Karachi, Pakistan. I am a very passionate cinephile. For me, movies are not just a source of leisure and entertainment. They’re a LOT more than that. I am fascinated by the art of cinema and how it can be used to portray the countless dimensions of the human condition. By watching films, you can witness so many stories and learn so much about life in the process.




My Posts

The Dark Knight

Top 10 movies of the 21st Century (so far)

10. ALMOST FAMOUS (2001) Almost Famous is a real treat for fans of rock and roll. It beautifully captures the ...

Top 10 comedy movies of the 21st Century (so far)

NOTE: Comedy is a very broad genre. A lot of films fall under the category. To the layman it may not be ...

Manchester by the Sea Review – A simple story executed to perfection!

Director: Kenneth Lonergan Cast: Casey Affleck, Michelle Williams, Kyle Chandler, Lucas Hedges Genre: Drama Manchester by the Sea presents a gripping and sad ...
Network (1976) movie review

Network (1976) – The Ultimate Satire on Network Television!

Director: Sidney Lumet Cast: Peter Finch, Robert Duvall, Faye Dunaway, William Holden Genre: Comedy, Drama Network is an outrageously brilliant look into the ...