a woman leans against a car in the short film Tiger

Tiger (2025) Short Film Review

How can art heal the human soul? A question with multiple answers considering the many ways art can become a ...
two men sit on a mattress and chat in the short film brief somebodies

Brief Somebodies (2025) Short Film Review

Brief Somebodies follows a very difficult subject. Regardless of whatever story one aims to tell, the subject of sexual violence ...
a family having dinner in el tomate perfecto

El Tomate Perfecto (2025) Short Film Review

After watching The Perfect Tomato, I realized something. While I always write in English because it’s the language I mostly ...
people dancing in the short film B is for Bachata

B is for Bachata (2025) Short Film Review

While not many people, myself included, will connect with the musical genre at the center of the short film B ...
Inkwo for When the Starving Return

Inkwo for When the Starving Return (2024) Film Review

Inkwo for When the Starving Return is one hell of a trip. The short film is a stop-motion animated extravaganza ...
Vilma Santos in a scene from Dan Villegas' ‘Uninvited’

MMFF 2024 Movie Review: ‘Uninvited’

This year's Metro Manila Film Festival boasts of a lineup of films that—finally—have begun focusing on quality as much as ...
a woman sits next to an empty seat in the short film My Boo

My Boo (2024) Short Film Review

Short films like My Boo exist for no other reason than to show the creativity that lies in the world ...
A man and a woman walk in the street in pratfall

Pratfall (2024) Film Review

All movies should have a purpose, right? Or at least, they should feel like they have a purpose and that ...
a family drinking tea in the film curry scent

Curry Scent (2024) Film Review

Curry Scent is based on a script that spreads too thin throughout its entire running time. You will probably find ...
a close up of a plant growing in the documentary and still the seed

And Still the Seed (2024) Short Film Review

The incredible experience that is And Still the Seed is unlike anything I've ever had in the past. It's a ...
a woman looks scared while trapped inside a car in the short film 5.7 seconds

5.7 Seconds (2024) Film Review

A woman is inside a car, unable to get out because of a mysterious outside threat, and in the backseat, ...
a man kneels in his garage in the film belief

Belief (2024) Short Film Review

We are all consequences of the past. Every small decision our parents made has modeled our present, regardless of will ...
two Asian men have dinner together in the film Anywhere the Wind Blows

Anywhere the Wind Blows (2024) Short Film Review

There is nothing more personal than trauma. Conflicts are universal, relationships flow at the same pace as others, and malice ...
the soul trader

The Soul Trader (2024) Short Film Review

Even though you will probably have more questions than answers upon watching, there's only one successful way to do a ...
Room Taken short film still

Room Taken (2023) Short Film Review

In regards to the subject of illegal immigration and all the factors that usually come along with it, as a ...